Going to the Evergreen State Fair has been a tradition in our family since as long as I can remember. I started taking Campbell when she was old enough to ride the rides with me in Kid land, but this year was much different as she wanted nothing to do with that part of the fair. She led me straight to the big kid rides and wanted to go on them all. I brought along one of our employees daughters, Lizzie, who is 8 years old and she and Campbell got along great. I got wristbands for all 3 of us but I only went on a few rides. I just can't do it anymore. They make me so nauseaus. Campbell is a little dare devil and she loves all the rides and laughs and has her arms up the whole time!
We didn't even have time to go through any of the animal barns or anything else for that matter because all these girls wanted to do was go on the rides :)
We had a great time though and although the weather looked questionable all day, it never rained.
We ended the day with getting their faces painted and sharing an elephant ear. The girls both didn't want to go home and said they weren't tired, but Campbell was asleep before we got back onto the highway :)